Shabbat Guide

A Weekly Learning Devotional for Family & Friends


You might have noticed that the Church today is quite different than what we read about in the New Testament. Has the first-century culture of Jesus been lost, stolen, or forgotten?

The Shabbat Guide makes it easy to gather with family and friends once a week to learn about our Christian heritage and reclaim what matters most!

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Created by scholars and experts who care about bringing you the beauty of joy and rest.

  • COURSES - Get equipped from renowned scholars who make it easy to learn about Biblical Israel so you can read the Bible with new eyes.
  • CALENDAR - Stay in sync with the weekly, monthly and seasonal traditions of Jesus so you can walk in a deeper understanding of God's word.
  • COMMUNITY - Join fellow Christians who are passionate about growing meaningful relationships as we explore the ancient paths of Jesus together.


  • "The Shabbat Guide is truly precious. It speaks and is alive. I felt moved as I flipped the pages. It comes together so beautifully in such a simple, gentle way. It is clean and precise and again, you feel it from the very first page. Love it. Thank you."

    E.A. - Mom of 2

  • "A beautiful, helpful, and instructive way to engage in rhythms pointing to God's faithfulness throughout biblical history through the lens of Jesus (Yeshua) and our privileged view from this side of the cross."

    G.P. - Mom of 2, Grandmother of 2

  • "This week we had a winter storm and power outage, before and during the meal. 😄 We had a wonderful talk, and the peace stayed in the room, even when the power went out during our meal."

    D.H. - Mom of 2, ages 16 and 19

  • "Too few of us take advantage of the gift of a weekly Sabbath-rest given to us at creation. The Shabbat Guide is a beautiful weekly reminder to enjoy the blessings and benefits of rest and fellowship with the Creator."

    - Susan Michael, USA Director
    International Christian Embassy Jerusalem

  • "Simple enough not to scare anyone off. Focusing first on the heart of Shabbat, a spiritual connection with joy and rest. Yet well researched and theologically sound."

    B.O. - Father of 2

  • "I love being reminded to think about what I am grateful for and I love the conversation starters! Thank you so much. This is fabulous!"

    C.D. - Mom of 2

  • "It's important to us to incorporate these things as we raise our family. This guide helps focus our time and make it special."

    R.O. Mom of 2, ages 5 and 9

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Beautiful Tabletop Display

  • 8.5" x 5.5"
  • Weekly Inspiration
  • Easy Conversation Starters
  • Monthly Teachings
  • Exquisite Art from Israel
  • Hebrew Calendar made Simple
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Three Simple Steps to Get Started

  • Sign up for 30 Day Free Trial

    Click "Free 30 Day Trial" for instant access to expert tools and training.

  • Download the Circle App

    For best experience on phone or tablet, download app for iOS or Android.

  • Grow Your Faith

    Learn about Biblical Israel and build meaningful relationships.

Gather Round. Get Inspired.