At twilight today, Saturday, May 20th, a new day begins, the 43rd day of "counting the Omer". Today marks six weeks and a day of counting.
About a week before the festival of Pentecost, Peter stood up before 120 believers with an important message. He said it was necessary to chose from among them one who had been with them from the beginning to join as a witness of Jesus' resurrection. This was a brave move as it could change the dynamics of the group, yet they trusted God to help them make the best decision. Can you trust the Lord for your next big decision?
PRAYER: Thank You, Lord for leading us as we make tough decisions in life. On the forty-third day of counting the Omer, we bless You. Thank you for continuing to walk by our side through all seven weeks of the countdown to Pentecost! Amen.
Iyar 29